Let’s Pitch In and Change the World!

My name is Harper and I am a 6th Grader in Los Angeles, California. The idea for Let’s Pitch In started a few years back when I was walking down the street with my family and felt helpless looking at the growing number of homeless people living on the streets near my house. It did not feel right to me that any person should have to live in these conditions. I thought, there are so many kids that want to help and there has to be away we can help them! My mom and I looked up local volunteer opportunities and we struggled to find ways that kids and families could give back. Thats when the idea for Homeless Helpers was formed. As I thought my idea through and did some research it became apparent there is so much more need all over the world in so many areas, not just the homeless here in Los Angeles. That’s when Homeless Helpers became Let’s Pitch In. The mission is simple. There is need everywhere and there are people everywhere that want to pitch in to help make our society better. So let’s connect them. If everyone did a little bit we could literally change the world!